Overcome the past, break free from self-sabotage and inner negativity, find your true self and live a fulfilling life
Totally transform your life in just weeks - Freedom, healing, personal and spiritual growth, real connections
Discover the amazing, powerful woman you were always meant to be.
Start over with a real connection to God, love being you and live the life you’ve been waiting for.
Do you know why you keep hitting obstacle after obstacle personally and professionally?
It’s not what you think.
You see, the problem is internal. It always was.
It’s not your fault that you’ve put so much heart, soul and effort into your life and career only to gain overwhelm, burn out and missing the mark.
What we believe about ourselves, we live out. The story we are living defines the success or failures we will have.
Your story has not matched your calling, and until it does, your life will not change.
As children and into adulthood, we are told, and we tell ourselves, untruths that keep us stuck.
These are internal limitations that ensure we won’t reach our goals.
God has placed a big dream, a personal calling within us. We think about it, dream of it and can almost taste it.
In our dream, we are truly successful. Not just because our lives are doing well but because it is also well with our souls.
So, we work harder because we see what we could do in the world if we were only able to live what we feel so deeply inside.
When we change the story we tell ourselves, when we claim the truth of who we are in Christ, then there are no limitations to hold us back from the big life He has called us to.
Then, we will finally have self-confidence to reach our goals without the self-sabotage that kept them just out of reach.
Transformed on the inside means you will have cleared a path to your dreams, goals and future. All that frustration you’ve felt is changed into limitless success.
Do you know why you keep hitting obstacle after obstacle personally and professionally? It’s not what you think.
You see, the problem is internal. It always was.
It’s not your fault that you’ve put so much heart, soul and effort into your life and career only to gain overwhelm, burn out and missing the mark.
What we believe about ourselves, we live out. The story we are living defines the success or failures we will have.
Your story has not matched your calling, and until it does, your life will not change.
God has placed a big dream, a personal calling within us. We think about it, dream of it and can almost taste it.
In our dream, we are truly successful. Not just because our business is doing well but because it is also well with our souls.
So, we work harder because we see what we could do in the world if we were only able to live what we feel so deeply inside.
When we change the story we tell ourselves, when we claim the truth of who we are in Christ, then there are no limitations to hold us back from the big life He has called us to.
Transformed on the inside means you will have cleared a path to your dreams, goals and future.
Here is how the Connected Heart Project will transform your story and your life:
Identify the lies you have told yourself about who you are that have caused you to miss your goals.
Find yourself, your true self in Christ. She is amazing, powerful and able.
Write your new, true story. This one won’t have limits, overwhelm and frustration. Instead, it is the story you were born to live. It’s a bestseller.
Learn how to have your mind work for you instead of sabotaging you. Silence that inner bully and transform her to your best friend who loves you, encourages you and helps you reach your dreams.
Heal the deep wounds of your heart so your past no longer controls today...
Decrease anxiety - be in control of what you fear and feel...
Discover your design and do what you love and were designed to do...
Improve your decision making - stop self-doubt and step fully into your life...
Remove your internal limitations - nothing will be holding you back...
Create the life you have only imagined and live it every day!
You can be transformed from the inside out so that your life, relationships, and work absolutely reflect a powerful, competent, God-glorifying you.
Hi! I’m Dr. Kim West, and I changed what I believe about myself and that changed my life.
I was just like you might be right now.
A lot of past to overcome, deep wounds that needed healing, working hard, really hard to make the call inside a reality.
There was always something inside me that just didn’t believe in me.
As I kept pushing forward it felt like trying to move through chest deep mud. I was making progress but it was exhausting, incredibly slow and I was never going to reach my goals this way.
There is a formula to limitless success.
It is Connecting Your Heart to Christ, to yourself and to others. Does that sound too simple?
Let me explain. Or, better still, let me ask you a few questions:
Do you feel truly connected to the Lord? In His presence you feel loved, enough and at peace. He is your joy and you know that you know that you know this relationship with Him is life itself?
Do you feel truly connected to yourself? You really like who you are and how you are designed. You feel that you are enough for anything that comes your way. You believe in yourself and your abilities and you know that whatever desire God places in your heart you can achieve?
Do you feel healthily connected to others? Your relationships are life-giving, you have strong boundaries in place. Respect, mutuality, no hiding, no games and fun?
If you didn’t answer a resounding “yes” to each of those then I guarantee you that you have obstacles inside that will never let you fully succeed.
Instead, your mind is trying to control you, protect you and keep you playing small. Your story is not what it should be, but you are living it out on autopilot. And, that story is why you don’t succeed, can’t succeed.
It is time to reconnect your heart, rewrite your story and choose a new ending.
The Connected Heart Project is an online life success transformation program.
It is intentional life transformation in a community of Christian women who are done playing small, feeling small and ready to go big.
Hi! I’m Dr. Kim West, and I changed what I believe about myself and changed my life.
I was just like you might be right now. A lot of past to overcome, deep wounds that needed healing, working hard, really hard to make the call inside a reality.
There was always something inside me that just didn’t believe in me. As I kept pushing forward it felt like trying to move through chest deep mud. I was making progress but it was exhausting, incredibly slow and I was never going to reach my goals this way.
What I needed was to go back to square one and repair those fractured foundations...
The foundations that told me who and why I was.
The foundations that could hold me back or propel me forward.
The foundations of my identity and how I lived with others.
Unless I repaired these, there was no hope of living the big life I felt Christ call me to.
If we don’t believe we are good enough, worthy, significant, loved, safe and amazing then we can’t live the life we want.
But, when we truly know who we are and like her then there is nothing inside us that will sabotage, discourage and hold us back.
When the old story is removed and your real story is put in place, you just live it out. It is like breathing.
You just are the person you’ve always wanted to be.
And, she doesn’t have to strive, she just does who her amazing self is.
When we rewire your mind, you’ll see what held you back and realize that it no longer has power over you.
Now you’ll be enabled to reach any goal and be as successful as God has called you to be.
There is a formula to limitless success.
It is Connecting Your Heart to Christ, to yourself and to others. Does that sound too simple?
Let me explain. Or, better still, let me ask you a few questions:
Do you feel truly connected to the Lord? In His presence you feel loved, enough and at peace. He is your joy and you know that you know that you know this relationship with Him is life itself?
Do you feel truly connected to yourself? You really like who you are and how you are designed. You feel that you are enough for anything that comes your way. You believe in yourself and your abilities and you know that whatever desire God places in your heart you can achieve?
Do you feel healthily connected to others? Your relationships are life-giving, you have strong boundaries in place. Respect, mutuality, no hiding, no games and fun?
If you didn’t answer a resounding “yes” to each of those then I guarantee you that you have obstacles inside that will never let you fully succeed.
Instead, your mind is trying to control you, protect you and keep you playing small. Your story is not what it should be, but you are living it out on autopilot. And, that story is why you don’t succeed, can’t succeed.
It is time to reconnect your heart, rewrite your story and choose a new ending.
You can be the woman of God in all her glory - success, freedom, wisdom, confidence, provider and orchestrator of a great life in Christ.
I did the work to change my life. Then,
I started to change the lives of the women Christ sent to me.
Be the woman of God in all her glory. Success, freedom, wisdom, confidence, provider and orchestrator of a great life in Christ.
The old story with all of its “I’m not enough” limitations are definitely holding you back.
When that story is removed and your real story is put in place, you just live it out.
It is like breathing.
You just are the person you’ve always wanted to be. And, she doesn’t have to strive, she just does who her amazing self is.
When we rewire your mind, you’ll see what held you back and realize that it no longer has power over you.
Now you’ll be enabled to reach any goal and be as successful as God has called you to be.
In the Connected Heart Project, I will show you how to break free of your limitations and finally see the path forward.
You’ll feel so comfortable in your own skin that you will love
being you!
We will rebuild your heart, removing what doesn’t belong in you and filling in the gaps with confidence and truth.
And the new, true you will live out that truth creating the success
you want and making the impact on the world, and eternity,
just as you are called to do.
We will change what and how you think so you can change
how you live your whole life.
“When I first discovered Kim, I was seeking more intimacy with Christ, but still battling with low self-esteem and an identity of unworthiness. Much of that coming from a long history of escapism, alcohol abuse, broken relationships, all results of early trauma.
I was referred to Kim by a friend and quickly discovered that sitting still, seeking God, and opening my heart to hear from Christ was how I was going to get set free. After having a couple of powerful sessions with Kim, learning all about God's character in her Bible study titled "Is Your God Too Small?", I knew I wanted to continue straight ahead on this path of developing this intimacy with Christ that He has been patiently waiting to bestow upon me.
So thankful for the ministry that Kim has in communicating our Heavenly Father's loving intention toward us. I can hear more deeply in my heart and soul, and especially during times of prayer and meditation, His loving words toward me. The principles and tools that Kim presents in Connected Heart are all so simple, and so easy to pick up and apply to my everyday life!
It has completely changed the paradigm of my life and my ability to see where I actually stand with God, in His warm loving arms, cherishing His darling daughter. I can hardly remember what it was like to see Him differently. The shift is real, lasting, powerful!”
"Thank you so much, Dr. Kim West! I had not realized the bondage I was in!
After Dr. Kim walked us through the memory of the past and invited the Lord's perspective, I not only discovered the truth about myself but also experienced, freedom, peace, and encouragement for a future full of HOPE! It is incredible how that transformation happened so quickly with full resolve! Who the Son sets free is truly FREE indeed!
I am so grateful for Dr. Kim gently walking me through this memory which no longer holds me back! I look forward to stepping into more of the identity that I was always intended to be - an Overcomer! This is a life tool you don't want to be without!
Thank you Dr. Kim for transforming my life for the better and all those who I will come in contact with!!"
"Thank you so much, Dr. Kim West! I had not realized the bondage I was in!
After Dr. Kim walked us through the memory of the past and invited the Lord's perspective, I not only discovered the truth about myself but also experienced, freedom, peace, and encouragement for a future full of HOPE! It is incredible how that transformation happened so quickly with full resolve! Who the Son sets free is truly FREE indeed!
I am so grateful for Dr. Kim gently walking me through this memory which no longer holds me back! I look forward to stepping into more of the identity that I was always intended to be - an Overcomer! This is a life tool you don't want to be without!
Thank you Dr. Kim for transforming my life for the better and all those who I will come in contact with!!"
The Connected Heart Project will rewire your thinking and rebuild your foundations.
The Connected Heart Project will rewire your thinking and rebuild your foundations.
Through The Connected Heart Project you will:
was possible.
It is time for you to connect to your true self and calling
Dr. Kim's calm, grounding presence in my life has been monumental - her voice echos in my mind throughout the day, reminding me of who I am in Christ. I'm so grateful for her mentorship.
Who knew that the voices of our past can weigh us down today and keep us from growth in the future? I was surprised to discover lies that I'd believed about God & myself that were keeping me stuck. Dr. Kim doesn't just expose the lies - she acts as a guide to uproot them and move forward in freedom!
I've loved being a part of a community of like-minded women who have a common goal: we want to be transformed by Jesus! I feel valued and cared for in this group. The Connected Heart Project is a safe place to share and learn together, and I'm so grateful I 'took the plunge' and signed up!"
My experience with working with Kim has been life-changing to say the least. As someone who has struggled for many years with depression and anxiety, she has given me a new hope and a new perspective on life. She has taught me how to think the way that God would think and has taught me skills to rewire the way that I think.
Kim has brought a happiness and self-confidence back into my life that I didn’t think I could ever have again. She has shown me who our God really is, and how much he loves me. She has opened my eyes to see that there is still a beautiful life after trauma, And that anxiety and depression is not my identity.
I will forever be grateful for Kim and everything she has taught me. She is truly an Angel here on Earth, and is changing lives forever.
The Connected Heart Project?
Now that we know exactly what is fractured in your foundations, we start the repair work. Here we look at you through Christ’s eyes. You’ve seen yourself through the eyes of others and through your inner bully all your life. They have told you a story of who you are that just isn’t true.
It is time to claim your real story so you can begin to know the true, incredible you.
Attachments. Our belief about ourselves came through our connections with others, good and bad. We are going to reassess and redo those attachments. We will remove their version of us while we also remove unhealthy ways of connecting with others.
We will create a new attachment to Christ - this in itself will change your life!
We will connect you with the real and true you.
We will develop new ways to connect with others that are healthy and life-giving.
You will experience life-giving connections as we let go of those that suck life from you.
Now that you have stripped away the old identity, it is time to put on the new one, have a powerful and sweet new relationship with Christ, love yourself and know how to love others, let's see what you are to do with all of that.
Discover your true design
Own your strengths, passions and interests
Like who God made you to be
Determine the best way to start living your design
Know your purpose in life and how to start living it now
Here, you are going to discover God’s unique design of you free of that old, limiting identity.
He has created you to be specifically you and that encompasses quite a bit. And, He has a plan for your design to fit into His Story.
He wants to work through the design He gave you to impact this world for eternity so it is important that you know that design.
Dr. Kim's calm, grounding presence in my life has been monumental - her voice echos in my mind throughout the day, reminding me of who I am in Christ. I'm so grateful for her mentorship.
Who knew that the voices of our past can weigh us down today and keep us from growth in the future? I was surprised to discover lies that I'd believed about God & myself that were keeping me stuck. Dr. Kim doesn't just expose the lies - she acts as a guide to uproot them and move forward in freedom!
I've loved being a part of a community of like-minded women who have a common goal: we want to be transformed by Jesus! I feel valued and cared for in this group. The Connected Heart Project is a safe place to share and learn together, and I'm so grateful I 'took the plunge' and signed up!"
My experience with working with Kim has been life-changing to say the least. As someone who has struggled for many years with depression and anxiety, she has given me a new hope and a new perspective on life. She has taught me how to think the way that God would think and has taught me skills to rewire the way that I think.
Kim has brought a happiness and self-confidence back into my life that I didn’t think I could ever have again. She has shown me who our God really is, and how much he loves me. She has opened my eyes to see that there is still a beautiful life after trauma, And that anxiety and depression is not my identity.
I will forever be grateful for Kim and everything she has taught me. She is truly an Angel here on Earth, and is changing lives forever.
Now is the time to take charge of your life!
You will become the woman you were always meant to be - in weeks, not years.
You will take charge of your mind so that it empowers you instead of discourages you.
Build an unshakeable foundation so that you can build the life, career and relationships of your dreams.
This isn’t another life coaching program.
This is life transformation!
Here’s how we will get you there:
Weekly Transformation
New information, training and encouragement. Just enough to break through old blocks while not being overwhelming.
I will challenge the old, limiting paradigms you have lived by so that you can adopt truth-filled and powerful ways to take hold of the life meant for you to have.
The Connected Heart Project is a step by step movement from an old, limited you to the free, empowered and sky’s the limit woman you are supposed to be.
CHP is your ticket to exactly what you need to do, what needs to change and empowered ways to live the Christian life so that you no longer live with frustration, overwhelm, not believing in yourself and limited success.
This isn’t just another counseling or life coaching program. This is life transformation!
Here’s how we will get you there:
Weekly Transformation
Each week you will receive new information, training and encouragement. Just enough to break through old blocks while not being overwhelming.
I will challenge the old, limiting paradigms you have lived by so that you can adopt truth-filled and powerful ways to take hold of the life meant for you to have.
A Community of Your New Friends
In our very private group, you will find women who also want a big, peaceful, joy-filled life without the drama and snarkiness often found in women’s groups. We are all focused on Christ, one another and encouraging our growth.
True sisters in Christ, this might just be the first healthy and fun group you’ve been in.
The Connected Heart Project is a step by step movement from an old, limited you to the free, empowered and sky’s the limit woman you are supposed to be.
CHP is your ticket to exactly what you need to do, what needs to change and empowered ways to live the Christian life so that you no longer live with frustration, overwhelm, not believing in yourself and limited success.
3 months working directly with me - my focus is fully on your transformation and healing and I will make sure you receive it...
Meet for three hours every two weeks for intensive one to one counseling and coaching with me. This is totally tailored to your needs, it is not a one size fits all program...
Counseling that goes to the core wounds and heals them permanently while you also gain a deeper relationship with the Lord...
Life Coaching to reconnect your heart with yourself, God and others, remove your internal limitations and direct your life. You will have a new life and I will help you design it...
Spiritual Direction - let me put my Master of Divinity and decades of teaching intimacy with the Lord to work for you...
Private Membership Site with New, Weekly Transforming Content...
Daily email and text messages as needed. I am available to you daily to give support and encouragement, celebrate your wins, answer your questions and keep the transformation moving forward...
Group meetings
Busy Women
The Woman Who Wants Time and Space for Learning
Any Woman Ready for Powerful Transformation
Then, twice a month join a live, interactive group coaching call.
Private Membership Site
with New, Weekly Transforming Content...
Work at your own pace
- online all the time...
Implement your transformation
incrementally and powerfully...
Be Set Free of the Past
and Claim a Powerful, Purposeful Future
3 Months of intensive identity rebuilding and restoration that will set you free to reach your goals and be successful in every area of life.
Twice weekly, live and interactive training calls that will break through your barriers and give you life-changing truth. This means that every week you are being transformed. Every week you are being set free.
Assessments to get the big picture of where you are so that you can see exactly what needs to change and I'll show you how.
"Silence Your Inner Bully." This add on will identity the voice of the inner bully, define its message and then we will shut it up for good. We will replace it with the voice of the One that loves you and this alone is worth the price of the Project.
"What's Your Story?" We will read your old, limiting story and rewrite to the true one that will empower you, remove your limitations and make your future open up with possibilities you can actually obtain.
"Healthy Self-Love." Feel good about you, believe in yourself without becoming the narcissistic nightmare we see around us. Learning to love yourself means you can have the confidence of a modern day Proverbs 31 woman. Unapologetic and powerful.
"Take Charge of Your Mind" There is a secret to a life of contentment and it resides between your ears. Stop letting your mind run out of control bringing and anxiety and fear . Discover how to reign in that mind and claim peace.
Twice monthly one on one meetings up to three hours. Coaching, counseling, mentoring and spiritual guidance that is personalized just for you. This is going to expedited and multiply your healing, growth and success.
Unlimited emails and texts. I am there for you when you have questions, concerns and wins. We are going to do life together closely so that you graduate CHP ready to rock the world.
plus 5% origination fee
3 months working directly with me - my focus is fully on your transformation and healing and I will make sure you receive it...
Counseling that goes to the core wounds and heals them while you also gain a deeper relationship with the Lord...
Life Coaching to reconnect your heart with yourself, God and others, remove your internal limitations and direct your life...
Spiritual Direction - let me put my Master of Divinity and decades of teaching intimacy with the Lord to work for you...
Meet for three hours every two weeks for intensive one to one counseling and coaching with me. This is totally tailored to your needs, it is not a one size fits all program...
Daily email and text messages as needed. I am available to you daily to give support and encouragement, celebrate your wins, answer your questions and keep the transformation moving forward...
Connected Heart Project online course in addition to our one to one time. This is guided, transformational coaching and we will work through it one on one together.
the right fit for you
You and I working closely together for 3 months in a small group of like-minded, Christ-following women
Private Membership Site with New, Weekly Transforming Content
Claim Your New Life and Amazing Future
Go Deep in the Lord
Supplemental Bonuses Tailored To You
Join a CHP Group (optional)
If you are self-motivated and a self-starter then going through The Connected Heart Project Self-led might be exactly how the Lord wants to transform your life and set you free.
Life is busy. Fitting in a one-to-one program isn't always an option. But, self-led on your own is often not enough.
That is why when you sign up for the CHP Self-led option you are not fully on your own.
I will hold once a month group coaching so you can ask questions, share you big wins and we can connect. And, you can submit a question and I will answer it in a recorded video. These will be posted in our private course area.
Get to the core wounds and heal them while you also gain a deeper relationship with the Lord...
Reconnect your heart with yourself, God and others...
Remove your internal limitations that direct your life...
Gain intimacy with the Lord as you learn to find you true identity in Him...
Discover your design and the purpose for it...
Online, all the time so you can be transformed at your own pace...
Log into your private membership site and interact with the course work on your schedule. You and the Lord can do mighty things together.
Private Membership Site with New, Weekly Transforming Content
Work at your own pace - online all the time
Heal from the past
Create a powerful future
Go Deep in the Lord
Once Monthly Live Group Coaching
Submit a question and receive a Look recorded answer
Week by week your life will transform.
This powerful course is THE way to claim your new life in Christ.
The Connected Heart Project is two decades in the making. It is a tried and true process that will set you free and propel you into a powerful future.
Put on your true self and live the life the Lord died to give you.
Discover your true design
Own your strengths, passions and interests
Like who God made you to be
Determine the best way to start living your design
“I didn’t even see the areas where I was being held back! Dr. Kim helped me see the lies that I was believing about myself and how to change. I am literally not the same person I was 3 months ago.
I have no inhibition in my relationships and job anymore. It feels so freeing to show up as my authentic self! Loving life again!
Recently I prayed that God would send someone into my life who would help me. I felt stuck and knew I needed a guide to help me. I’d been reading books, following counselors on social media, and even met with a Christian counselor, but wasn’t getting the help I needed.
God brought Dr. Kim into my life and, WOW! Her approach is so different! She understands trauma, saw lies in my life that Satan convinced me to believe, and best of all, she helped me transform my thinking! I feel so free now.
I am so thankful God answered my prayers and brought me Dr. Kim!
“I didn’t even see the areas where I was being held back! Dr. Kim helped me see the lies that I was believing about myself and how to change. I am literally not the same person I was 3 months ago.
I have no inhibition in my relationships and job anymore. It feels so freeing to show up as my authentic self! Loving life again!
Recently I prayed that God would send someone into my life who would help me. I felt stuck and knew I needed a guide to help me. I’d been reading books, following counselors on social media, and even met with a Christian counselor, but wasn’t getting the help I needed.
God brought Dr. Kim into my life and, WOW! Her approach is so different! She understands trauma, saw lies in my life that Satan convinced me to believe, and best of all, she helped me transform my thinking! I feel so free now.
I am so thankful God answered my prayers and brought me Dr. Kim!
The Connected Heart Project is two decades in the making. It is a tried and true process that will set you free and propel you into a powerful future.
Put on your true self and live the life the Lord died to give you.
So, if you have ever thought…
“Something just feels missing in my Christian life.”
“I feel not good enough.”
“I feel unworthy of what others have.”
“Who am I to be happy?”
“I know I am people pleasing but don’t know how to stop.”
“Why do I self-sabotage and procrastinate with what I want?”
“My relationships feel unhealthy and unsatisfying.”
“There seems to be this barrier to my success and I don’t know what it is.”
Then not only will you find solutions you will also discover joy.
If you are ready to change how you see yourself, how you interact with others, stop the limiting beliefs, silence your inner bully and claim the powerful, extraordinary story that you were born to live, then join us!
It is time to finally connect your heart.
How do I know I will get value for this investment?
Well, it depends on you. If you invest yourself in the Connected Heart Project there is no possible way that you won’t transform your life, relationships and yourself. But, you get out what you put in as in all things. Of course, I’ll be checking in on you to ensure that we are doing all we can from our side to help you get all you can from our time together.
If I want more one on one help through this, is that possible?
Join the Connected Heart Project Intensive. That will give you twice monthly one on one meetings with Dr. Kim - 6 in all during the Project. This personalized care will be a mixture of counseling, coaching, spiritual direction and mentoring. Plus you will have unlimited email and text with Dr. Kim from beginning to end.
“Is there a payment option?”
Yes! I am happy to divide your investment over three months for the CHP Intensive.
“How long until I see results?”
Some that have been through CHP have seen huge results from day one. Each week you will experience big ah-ha moments as well as take in truth that you and Christ can process together. By the end of our time together, you will be transformed.
“I have questions. Is there some way to talk with you about them?”
Absolutely. Here’s how. Go to https://calendly.com/drkimwest/chp-consultation, book a time for us to talk and I’ll answer all your questions. I’ll also tell you of our amazing God and what He can do for you through CHP.
How do I know I will get value for this investment?
Well, it depends on you. If you invest yourself in the Connected Heart Project there is no possible way that you won’t transform your life, relationship and yourself. But, you get out what you put in as in all things. Of course, I’ll be checking in on you to ensure that we are doing all we can from our side to help you get all you can from our time together.
If I want more one on one help through this, is that possible?
Join the INTENSIVE Connected Heart Project. That will give you twice monthly, three hour one on one meetings with Dr. Kim - 6 in all during the Project. This personalized care will be a mixture of counseling, coaching, spiritual direction and mentoring. Plus you will have unlimited email and text with Dr. Kim from beginning to end.
“Is there a payment option?”
Yes! I found a company that provides financing for coaching programs. With a one minute application, you will get a number of offers that will fit best for you. You then choose one, are funded and enabled to invest in CHP. The payments can be stretched over a year or more.
“How long until I see results?”
Some that have been through CHP have seen huge results from day one. Each week you will experience big ah-ha moments as well as take in truth that you and Christ can process together. By the end of our time together, you will be transformed. Then, in Elevate, we will continue your growth, freedom and joy.
“I have questions. Is there some way to talk with you about them?”
Absolutely. Here’s how. Go to https://calendly.com/drkimwest/chp-consultation book a time for us to talk and I’ll answer all your questions. I’ll also tell you of our amazing God and what He can do for you through CHP.
It’s time to take back your life from feeling not good enough, from feeling inadequate, low self-confidence, self-sabotage, procrastination, unhealthy relationships and a not so joyful life with Christ.
Pray about this. Please. Listen for His lead that this is how He wants to bring you true healing and freedom. If not or if now is not the time, then He will have something else in mind to minister to your soul.
I have no doubt that the Lord will bring those He knows are ready to go deep and play big to the next Connected Heart Project.
I can’t wait to meet them, pour my life into theirs and watch Him transform their lives. What could be better than that?
It’s time to take back your life from feeling not good enough, from feeling inadequate, low self-confidence, self-sabotage, procrastination, unhealthy relationships and a not so joyful life with Christ.
Pray about this. Please. Listen for His lead that this is how He wants to bring you true healing and freedom. If not or if now is not the time, then He will have something else in mind to minister to your soul.
I have no doubt that the Lord will bring those He knows are ready to go deep and play big to the next Connected Heart Project.
I can’t wait to meet them, pour my life into theirs and watch Him transform their lives. What could be better than that?
I have 5 openings per quarter to work privately with me.
You can join the Home Study at any time.
I want to see as many of my sisters in Christ set free of limitations, empowered to be and do exactly what He has called them to and living the life they only dreamed was possible. That includes you.
Where will you be, how much might you lose if you wait?
I am so excited to take this journey with you and beyond.
In Christ,
- I have 5 openings per quarter to work privately with me.
- We have new groups starting each month.
- Join self-led at any time.
I want to see as many of my sisters in Christ set free of limitations, empowered to be and do exactly what He has called them to and living the life they only dreamed was possible. That includes you.
Where will you be, how much might you lose if you wait?
I am so excited to take this journey with you and beyond.
In Christ,
For support issues or questions, please email info@drkimwest.org